Introducing Every Rooftop, your new lease on solar.
A Green Cross Australia social venture with a bold vision:
to shift Australia's energy mix.
Join the solar revolution
We see renewable energy as the future for all Australians. The great news is, solar has become surprisingly affordable. Over 1 million Australian homes have already gone solar. What are you waiting for? Join the Every Rooftop revolution.
Introducing Every Rooftop
Green Cross Australia has partnered with Ingenero to help you buy, finance or lease quality solar panels with no money upfront.
Our Every Rooftop program offers education about solar. We help you to understand how solar is now afforable even without government subsidies - in fact, it's a great investment to help you manage rising electricity bills! Check out our site , get a quote and we promise a good experience and a great investment. Every Rooftop offers a range of finance options including Australia's first residential solar lease. What's not to like?
Green Cross Australia's first social venture
Every Rooftop will provide a commission-based revenue stream for Green Cross Australia. This will support our ongoing environmental projects and allow us to grow them so we can reach even more Australians. Our aim is to scale up our award winning education and disaster resilience programs.
Leveraging our peer to peer digital capacity
Since 2009 Green Cross Australia's six platforms have reached nearly 280,000 people, catalysing over 175,000 practical and measurable actions around Australia. Our new action priority is help Australian's understand how and why to GO SOLAR!